The Mindful Life™ Blog

Besides Chocolate and Caffeine, What Needs to Be on Your Back-to-School Supply List?

mindful life for teachers Jul 08, 2024

Besides your personal arsenal of chocolate, caffeine, Airborne tablets and stress balls what needs to be on your must-have back-to-school supply list?

The Weekly Wellness Program for Teachers and Students!

This school-year long program delivers weekly, bite-sized brain-based activities to build resilience to stress and create happy and productive classrooms. In addition to the program’s core 38 mindfulness modules, in addition to 9 bonus lessons around growth mindset to further motivate your students and lighten your teaching load.

You might be thinking right now, how will this lighten my load? Sounds like a whole lot more that I would need to add to my already overflowing plate!

On the contrary, as The Weekly Wellness Program for Teachers and Students is specifically designed to ease your burden in the classroom. Research on our program supports this! We deliver short, simple, science-backed practices that stimulate the part of the brain that is most receptive to learning.

The lessons can easily be woven into your regular agenda, without taking up valuable classroom time. The short practices actually create more time for teaching because you’ll spend a lot less time managing distracted behavior. With the growth mindset lessons, students will move out of frustration and move into motivation and engagement.

Mindfulness has been scientifically proven to significantly improve focus and attention in adults and kids alike. Research is now discovering that grit and growth mindset have a significant impact on success later in life. Bringing these concepts together, in one program, gives students more resources for realizing their potential – despite what happens outside of the classroom.

Students show up to school in a variety of brain states.

Some might be experiencing extreme neglect, others might be experiencing huge anxiety from parental pressures. Some had a problem on the bus. Many are overscheduled, and most probably have their nervous system jacked up as they are constantly being stimulated by various forms of media.

Teachers, of course, are dealing with budget cuts, less than adequate pay, large class sizes, helicopter parents, apathetic parents, demanding school boards, school violence concerns, ever-changing academic rigors new curriculums, meetings (uggh the meetings) – oh, and they also need to teach and care for students.

The end result is that the optimism of the first day of school fades quickly and is replaced with stress, anxiety and the countdown to winter break!

The Weekly Wellness Program for Teachers and Students calms classrooms, focuses distracted minds, settles busy bodies, increases concentration, improves memory and decreases stress (for both teachers and students).

It levels the playing field for everything that’s outside of your control as a teacher, and creates a forward-thinking framework for lifelong, 21st century success. Very few professionals rival the influence that teachers have in shaping our future generations’ lives.

“It seems a little overwhelming, at first, to get this new thing on your plate, but the rewards have absolutely outweighed the costs, in my mind. We move through material more quickly, when we actually sit down and focus, first.” – Kyle P., Teacher

Speaking of time – there’s no time like the present!

Put our Weekly Wellness Program on your back-to-school list!