The Mindful Life™ Blog

Getting Up and Out in the Mornings

mindful life blog Jul 15, 2024

When we are frenzied -- waking up a bit late, scrambling to find that missing permission slip, trying to bang out 3 new work emails from our phone while making some eggs – the alarm part of our brain (fight, flight, or freeze) is activated. In this state, our prefrontal cortex (the part of our brain responsible for problem-solving, attention and creativity) shuts down.  In this state it is impossible to be an effective worker or student.

However, when we make a habit of a calm and predictable morning routine, we set ourselves and our kids up for a happy and productive day! So here are a few tips for getting up and out!

  1. Prep the Night Before:  Have your clothes picked out the night before. Pack that lunch the night before. Check backpacks the night before.  When kids (and parents, too) plan the night before, from clothes to backpacks to lunches – we roll through the morning in a much more blissful state.
  2. Wake Up Early:  Aside from making sure I do a 5-minute meditation, this is the single biggest factor in determining how my day goes. When I can get up early (everyone’s notion of early is different), I take care of ME just a little bit before the family gets up and before we push the “Go” button, and this sets the stage for calmness, especially when my kids were little as we all tried to get out the door. I made sure I was up in time to meditate, drink my coffee in peace, and get myself ready for work before those babies even woke up. Others, take care of a chunk of work prior to children waking up, whether it is a bit of writing or some email catch-up. Use your early morning time wisely and it will benefit you and your family. 
  3. Create a Routine. Having a set time for when you wake up your kids and when you leave the house in the morning can seem really type -A,  but it actually helps to keep everyone on the same page and with their eye on the prize – keeping things moving. Having a set routine based on the kids’ needs and adult schedules helps the morning go much more smoothly. Determine who wakes the kids, who makes breakfast, who drives to school. Set up a clear plan. Flying by the seat of your pants in the mornings leads to a chaotic and stress-filled morning while having a set routine can change that chaos into one of the most pleasant times of the day.

I hear from so many parents, especially working parents, how the morning routine is a constant source of stress for them and their families. With school just around the corner, flip the switch on this time of the day and see what steps, and new habits, you can create to make your life so much more peaceful, happy and productive. The entire rest of your day will thank you.