The Mindful Life™ Blog

How to Use Mindfulness and the Growth Mindset for this Year’s Parent/Teacher Conferences

mindful life for parents Sep 18, 2024
Mindfulness & Growth Mindset for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Here, in the United States, October usually means it’s time for fall festivities and parent/teacher conferences. To ensure that your conferences feel more like a yummy pumpkin spiced latte and less like a Halloween spooky scare, I’ve rounded up a few of my favorite blog posts to help you prepare.

The Round Up of Our Best Tools

If you’re interested in learning how to set process goals with your child, based on your teacher’s feedback, head over here to the How to Make the Most of Your Parent Teacher Conferences post. Want to know the best way to encourage your child, if they are struggling, or praise your child if they are doing really well (without sabotaging their intrinsic motivation)?  Read up on the How to Cultivate a Growth Mindset in Your Kids post. If you’re interested in teaching your child how to best help your child with homework and putting structures into place around school work, click on these Homework Routine Tips

A Few Suggestions

Remember to write down your questions ahead of time, then take a few mindful breaths before entering the classroom to help you stay present. If you notice anxiety creeping in, don’t let your mind throw a stress ball at your child’s future. A lot of our stress comes more from our “optional suffering” (our predisposition towards a negative interpretation of a situation), rather than what is actually happening in the moment. So take the negative “thinking cap” off and proceed with an open mind.

As always, thank you for being a part of the Mindful Life community.