The Mindful Life™ Blog

The One Big Misconception About the “Mindfulness and the Workplace” Course

mindful workplace Aug 11, 2024


It’s today’s most coveted currency.

We’re time-pressed, time-starved and time hungry. You would think we were having a full-on time famine – yet we have the same 24 hours in the day that we always did.

We not only have the same 24 hours that our ancestors had, we even have instant everything! We don’t have to hunt for our food or hike miles and miles for water. We can buy amazing fully-prepared dinners, have anything under-the-sun overnighted to our front door, yet we’re still all wishing there were more hours in the day.

I hear from so many people, over and over, that there’s no way they have any “time” to add mindfulness into their work day.

“It sounds nice and all, but I just don’t have extra time to just sit around and breathe with you, Kathy!”

But that’s a big misconception about this Mindfulness in the Workplace course.

It actually doesn’t take much time (less than 10 minutes a day). Instead, it creates a lot more space for other aspects of your life (especially if you want a life that is a bit more fulfilling than just paying bills and schlepping your kids around!).

“This is one of those programs where the experience and guidance were very useful. It’s not overly simplistic or a waste of time. Great combination of science and practical application! – Misty E., VP International Sales  

In the course, We teach you simple and quick ways to optimize your brain for productivity and efficiency so that you can get out of your inbox and into your life.

  • You’ll schedule your workload in a way that optimizes your prefrontal cortex (despite the fact that it’s about as fuel efficient as a tractor!)

  • You’ll learn how to manage your distractions without them managing you

  • You’ll understand how to harness your routine tasks to fuel more high-level thinking

  • You’ll have a 2-minute tool that will calm your mind on demand (helpful to use with big nerve-wracking presentations, crotchety co-workers and intense clients!)

We also teach you research-backed habit-forming tips to ensure that these new practices stay with you for the long haul of your career.

“This course exceeded my expectations. I never realized there are so many easy practices that are able to make a big impact in my life” – Allison Reich, Planning Coordinator

Just like having too many apps open on our phone drains the battery, not managing our brains throughout our workday also drains our brain battery.

Yet, we spend a lot more time worrying about whether we have a full charge on our mobile device than if we have a full charge on our own well being!

Join me for our upcoming round of Mindfulness and the Workplace to replenish, rewire and recharge your work day so that you can get some much needed relief.

Because in the end, as Abe Lincoln said, “It’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.”